Little Spoon, Big Spoon

Welcome everyone! Today I’d like to talk a little bit about intent.

The definition of INTENT is: a clearly formulated or planned action; or the state of mind with which an act is done.

What is the power of intention? It is the internal reason why you do something. Intentions are based on your passion, values, or purpose; it is the bigger picture of why you do anything. It is the undeniable first step to successfully achieving any goal and without it makes meaningful goals very difficult to achieve.

I believe we all understand that to be successful in our businesses and our lives, we have to put forth effort and approach everything with an intent to succeed. You need a plan to get from where you are to where you want to go, then you have to make it happen.

What’s that old saying? “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

The same holds true for all of us in this networking group. We should each NETWORK WITH A PURPOSE or GOAL in mind. That purpose or goal may be different for each of us, but it takes effort for us to achieve those goals through networking.

Even if you think you already have a goal, a plan, and a clear intent to succeed here, I want try to get you to think of it another way.


ASK – What is this? – Let audience answer.

ASK – What would you use it for? – Let audience answer (EATING)

I think we can all agree that this spoon’s INTENT is feed each of us.


ASK – What would you use this for? – Let audience answer (SERVING)

ASK – Why did you join our Networking Group? (TO GET MORE BUSINESS / MONEY)

The reason you joined our group was to use the SMALL SPOON (hold it up). All of you saw an opportunity to get more business for your company, and to feed yourself.

The overarching philosophy of “GIVERS GAIN.” – the idea that the more you give to others the more you will receive back – teaches us to use the BIG SPOON (hold it up), so that we have enough for not just our small spoon, but for others too.

We have to think about how we can give to other members. Giving can be in the form of a referral, a visitor, a testimonial, or other opportunities. You could help a member with their Feature Presentation, offer advice how someone can give a great Weekly Presentation, or teach a new member how to use our website and online slips program – any way you can help or serve the others in our group, you should consider.

A group that has more members providing for each other and using the BIG SPOON will have more opportunities for everyone to use the SMALL SPOON.

Ask yourself, have you been using the small spoon too often? How can you use the big spoon more?

Only in giving to others, can we hope to receive.

Thank you.